What's On Your Coffee Table?

By David J. Stewart | April 2008

       Only God knows just how many teen girls have been corrupted by the evil influence of Madonna. In 1992 Madonna released a “coffee-table book” titled SEX...

By 1992 Madonna's popularity stretched across the world, and she had established herself as a sharp, confident businesswoman. She signed a sixty million dollar contract with Time-Warner, which included her own record company (under the Maverick label) and called for her to make videos, films, books, merchandise, and more than six albums. The announcement of the deal was timed with the release of the album Erotica, an extended video, and an adults-only picture book called Sex, featuring black-and-white photographs in which Madonna appears mostly without clothes with everything from men and women (in all combinations, positions, and numbers) to chairs, dogs, and slices of pizza. She was even shown hitchhiking wearing nothing but high heels. The book was a best-seller across the country. [emphasis added]

SOURCE: http://www.notablebiographies.com/Lo-Ma/Madonna.html

I couldn't help but immediately notice that Madonna's pornographic book was INTENDED to be placed in people's homes on their COFFEE TABLE.  The book was deliberately fashioned to a size A3, and advertised as a book intended to rest on one's "coffee-table" at home. 

I've heard many preachers throughout my life warn against allowing dust to collect on the Bible.  I thought it more than a coincidence that Madonna's "SEX" book was intended to sit on one's coffee-table.  Apparently, Madonna's SEX book is intended to replace the Bible.  The saying comes to mind: "The Bible will either keep us from sin; or Sin will keep us from the Bible."  Every home ought to display the Word of God on the coffee-table, and nothing else.  We ought to read the Bible every day — asking the Holy Spirit to guide, instruct and comfort us — helping us to conform more to the Person of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29).  Pornographic magazines and books have NO place in the Christian's home, let alone being shamelessly displayed on one's coffee-table for all to see. 

It is no coincidence that Madonna chose to advertise her book "SEX" as a "coffee-table book."  Her subtle implication is that there is no shame in what she is doing.  Whereas in times past, people would hide their dirty magazines under their bed, or in a closet, now Madonna is calling for immoral people everywhere to declare their shamelessness, by placing her pornographic filth smack-dab-center in their living room, on the coffee table for all to see.  Shame!

Madonna is of the Devil.  In fact, she even praises the Devil in her song, BEAUTIFUL STRANGER.

Madonna is a sicko!  She not only blasphemes Jesus Christ in her filthy book, SEX, but also portrays herself as receiving oral sex from a dog...

Not long after signing this agreement Madonna founded Maverick, a multi-media entertainment company. Since by contract she had total artistic control over any of the work released by Maverick, the agreement she signed with Time Warner concerning what not to do in Sex became obsolete. As a "tongue-in-cheek" way of demonstrating her power to the executives who had so vehemently opposed the book, Madonna included two photographs that "broke the rules"—a photo where she is tied à la S&M on a low cross-shaped table surrounded by candles with a large crucifix behind her, and another photo of her kneeling on the ground with a dog underneath her on its back, creating the impression that she is straddling the animal while it is giving her oral sex. [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Sex (book) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is tragic that tens-of-millions of teenage girls around the world have been corrupted by the evil influences of Madonna.  Only God know how much fornication, adultery, bestiality, public nudity, homosexuality, divorce, abortion, and other sins have been caused by Madonna's whorish influence on women.  My question is: Why would any parent allow their child to listen to the music of a devil-worshipping lesbian who promotes bestiality?  Hell will be hot enough!

What's on your coffee table?

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